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My options for USB-C cable

Jul. 27, 2017

Here are my options for USB-C cable.

· USB Type-C receptacle for USB 2.0, USB 3.1, and full-featured platforms and devices

· Supports currents up to 5A

· USB full-featured Type-C cable with a USB full-featured Type-C plug at both ends

· Supports USB 2.0 and USB 3.1 Gen 1 or Gen 2 data operation

· Supports full-featured applications (includes sideband use (SBU) wires)

· Must be electronically marked

· USB 2.0 Type-C cable with a USB 2.0 Type-C plug at both ends

· Supports USB 2.0 data operation (does not include USB 3.1 or SBU wires)

· May be electronically marked (required if cable supports >3A)

· Captive cable with either a USB full-featured Type-C plug or USB 2.0 Type-C plug at one end

· The other end of the cable is either soldered in place or uses a non-USB connector

· USB Type-C-to-USB legacy cables and adapters (see pages 19-20 of the specification)

Learn more USB to Type-C USB Cable via www.wellpower4.com.

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